Dogtrot General Store

Dogtrot Louisiana Sinker Cypress

Milled or Green - from the Ouachita River area

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More sinker cypress pages:

Main Sinker Cypress page

Sinker Cypress Slabs for mantles, tables and other special projects

Sinker Cypress Logs and Milling

Retrieving Sinker Logs- See how it's done

Sinker cypress can be found in bogs, bayous, and river bottoms from North Carolina to Texas, wherever 19th century loggers cut old growth timber and used waterways to float the logs downriver to mills close to ports where the lumber could be shipped and used to build growing settlements and cities.

These logs are from the Ouachita ("wah-SHA-tah" according to old-timers) River in north western Louisiana. It flows down from Arkansas and joins the Black River, and on to the Red River and into the Mississippi. Well before the Civil War, loggers upriver would cut their lumber and tie it together - sinkers and floaters - to take downriver. Often they would lose some logs along the way - today's sinker cypress, sinker pine, even walnut and other varieties. Over the years, the river bottom became inundated with these logs, which are prized today for their color and very tight ring count.

The river's running high!

Getting some sun!

Tie - Ring count

Two sinkers meeting

Oak on the bank

I've got the rings!

Feed me!

Another pretty face

Line it up

Sinking sinker

Little butt pecky

Slice anyone?

One slice to go


Where's my slice?

Side slice

Look into my rings

A good swim

Fly me - I'm Grace

Old sinker never dies

Keeping track

Big wood-peckers

Long peck

Taste my rings

Come into my rings

Chain on me

Kiss me

Paddle wheel axels

Easy now!

A little peck on that steak

Turn pie. Hmmmm

That feels good

Slice off the old log

Well, I slipped this one in

Look out! Log heading for my toe!

Have we met before?

Doctor, will it be OK?

Wow! Do I need some hand cream!

What a lift!

One log sliced or unsliced

What a drag

Little nite butt

Don't leave me hanging

Do I measure up to your rings?

E-mail Grace or call 985-986-9945
or use our convenient Request for Quotation Form

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